Monday, October 8, 2012

Vasiyam to happen within minutes

Dear All,

As per the request of my devotees and sishyas,

I am disclosing an simple tantra for instant vasiyam .

It is expected to work within 1 minutes and a maximum of 3 hours
but if the time and stars of the persons are not good enough ,this vasiyam will not work.
It works on all virgins of all sex

1. Take 18  cooriander seeds , ( represents 18 leaves of manipuraka chakra)

2. recite the mantra om om _____*persons name * mama vasiyam kuru kuru swaha (18 * 6) times
you will make it 108 times ( ie for all major six chakras )--( moola dhara, swathistana, manipuraka, anakatha
Vishudhi, agna) on the cooriander with a ghee lamp that thing and have wine after that

4. U will create a mystical bondage between that person and you

5. let all praise go maha Kali amma and maha bairava for his blessings on his slave

Power mantra Yoga is now taught ,
Acheive anything in life ..come out of disease and worldly problems
jai Maha kali ma ,happiness to all in the name of ma, bairava swamy mayan
When he is here ,Anything is Possible
no money for the disciples of kali ma and bairava,
Full guarantee for all mantra prayogas